Thursday, June 26, 2008

This Week's Rulings

In a post earlier this week, I mentioned the Supreme Court's Boumediene v. Bush decision, which ruled (5-4) in favor of the petitioner that the Military Commissions Act of 2006's suspension of habeas corpus is unconstitutional. Boumediene is just one of several high-profile rulings to be handed down this month, though:
  • In another 5-4 ruling handed down today, the Supreme Court overturned Washington, DC's ban on handguns. This case, District of Columbia v. Heller is the first 2nd amendment case to be heard by the Supreme Court since 1939, and today's ruling could have a big impact on state gun control laws.

  • Yesterday, in yet another 5-4 ruling in the case of Kennedy v. Louisiana, the Supreme Court held -- amidst much controversy -- that the death penalty is unconstitutional punishment for the rape of a child.

For more on these and other late-breaking Supreme Court developments, check out the New York Times' Supreme Court topic page,the Blog of the Legal Times, and Oyez.

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